ClariFix®: The Solution to Your Runny Nose

Frustrated with constant nasal drip and sniffling? Want to find an effective solution?

Don't just live with it. Trust ClariFix® to help!

Stop the source of the symptoms of your runny nose and nasal congestion with a simple in-office treatment.

What is chronic rhinitis?

Rhinitis, caused by an inflammation of the mucous membranes in your nasal passages, can cause additional symptoms like nasal irritation to develop. Often rhinitis sufferers find it hard to sleep at night because of their congestion and postnasal drip.

If these symptoms are recurrent and are causing a decline in your rest and general health, you are suffering from Chronic Rhinitis. Some of your symptom triggers may be allergic sources, and some are considered non-allergic.

Allergic Rhinitis

When your immune system becomes sensitized to non-infectious particles such as plant pollens, molds, dust mites, animal dander, and certain foods and medicines, you have allergic rhinitis, and your immune system responds as if they are harmful. This causes the release of histamine into mucous membranes, the lungs, and skin, causing your blood vessels to dilate, and swelling and redness to occur. Your nose may become itchy, runny, and congested from the irritation.

Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis (Otherwise Known as Hay Fever)

Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis, known to many sufferers as “hay fever,” can be caused by more than just hay...

  • Tree Pollen - allergic reactions which happen mostly in late March or early April
  • Ragweed - often the main cause of Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis; occurs in late spring or summer
  • Mold Spores - found in fallen leaves; most common in October and November

Perennial Allergic Rhinitis

Perennial Allergic Rhinitis can occur from exposure to year-round allergic sources, and therefore can be the most miserable. Pet hair, carpeting, upholstery, mold on wallpaper, houseplants, and even components in air pollution can all trigger Perennial Allergic Rhinitis.

Allergic Rhinitis sufferers experience runny itchy irritated nose and congestion.

Non-Allergic Rhinitis

Symptoms may be similar to those of Allergic Rhinitis, except for the itchiness, but the sources of your reaction and the responses to treatment are usually different.  It can be difficult to distinguish Non-Allergic from Allergic Rhinitis. Sometimes, the non-allergic form can be confirmed only after therapy for typical allergy triggers has been unsuccessful.

Common sources of non-allergic rhinitis are:

  • cigarette smoke
  • air pollutants
  • strong odors
  • alcoholic beverages
  • cold temperature
  • over-use of medications such as decongestant sprays
Woman suffering from Non-Allergic Rhinitis

Sick and tired of constantly dealing with Chronic Rhinitis symptoms? Try effective relief!

If your symptoms aren't responding to the oral and nasal medications you've tried over and over again, there's a better option available for San Antonio Rhinitis sufferers.

We are proud to offer this new and innovative treatment option for Chronic Rhinitis.

ClariFix® Cryotherapy can be done right in the office and gives you benefits no other treatment can provide.  

ClariFix® is number one choice in effectiveness according to patients
Effective Measure Against Chronic Rhinitis Symptoms
ClariFix® Cryotherapy treatment is an innovative approach to resolving Chronic Rhinitis. Cryotherapy hits the root of your congestion problem: inflamed tissue of the nasal cavity as well asthe underlying nerves, providing a broader-reaching solution.
Patients report easier breathing and long-lasting effects
Long-Lasting Relief, Reliable Solution
ClariFix® provides long-term relief from Chronic Rhinitis symptoms. In clinical studies, 4 out of 5 people reported long-lasting symptom relief and significant breathing improvement with ClariFix® therapy, including reduced occurrences of runny, post nasal drip.
ClariFix is Safe and Convenient
ClariFix® is Safe and Convenient
The ClariFix® procedure can take place in a safe, in-office appointment in as little as 30 minutes. Using endoscopy, a small cryotherapy balloon is inserted into the nasal cavity to quickly freeze the area where rhinitis symptoms start. Stop relying on oral and nasal medications that just don't seem to work.  

Trust ClariFix® as your answer for treating Chronic Rhinitis.

Contact Dr. Kevin Browne at San Antonio Sinus for more information on how ClariFix®, the clinically-proven, minimally invasive option, can help YOU.