Suffering with Major Sinus Pain?
Do you have itchy eyes, congestion, a sore throat, nasal drip, headaches, or coughs and sneezing that just won’t let up?
Stop letting these symptoms make your days and nights miserable. When your sinus symptoms are affecting your quality of life, it’s not “just another cold”. It’s chronic sinusitis, and it won’t go away unless it is treated properly.
Severe Sinus Pain Shouldn't Be Your "Normal"
- Facial Pain or Swelling
- Thick Nasal Discharge
- Post Nasal Drip
- Bad Breath
- Reduced Sense of Smell
- Reduced Sense of Taste
- Nighttime Coughing
- Daily Fatigue
- Lack of Energy
Is dealing with sinus pain a part of your every day?
When patients feel congestion, it is from the swelling of their already small nasal cavity. This swelling prevents the nasal passage from draining efficiently. When the sinus cavities can’t properly drain themselves bacteria and infection are able to spread throughout. For chronic Sinusitis sufferers, this infection will not fully drain despite the many remedies they have tried.
Those who are sufferers of chronic sinus pain and infections know the painful struggle of finding relief. They are constantly looking for an over-the-counter medicine to do the trick. When those home remedies and over-the-counter medications fail to help, sufferers must turn to their doctor for treatment.
Antibiotics, prescription medications and nasal sprays may solve the problem. But if not, what are the alternatives then? Stop wasting your money, time, and happiness trying to find an easy fix to a real problem. Chronic Sinusitis shouldn’t be a normal part of your life.

What can I do about my chronic sinusitis?
Sinus surgery can be an option, but in spite of the fact that so many people have been helped through sinus surgery, the myths persist:
- My sinuses will clear up eventually
Maybe, but if you suffer from chronic sinusitis, your sinus discomfort can last indefinitely unless the underlying problem is treated. If your sinuses don’t drain properly, your symptoms usually return within a short period of time.
- Sinus surgery means cutting, removing tissue and packing my nose.
Not necessarily. With technology advances, there is now a minimally invasive procedure that Dr. Kevin Browne can perform in the office for many sinus problems. It uses endoscopic techniques developed by cardiologists to unblock blood vessels. There is no cutting, no removal of tissue, and no nasal packing. This revolutionary procedure is called Balloon Sinuplasty.
- I’ll have a long recovery time.
Not with Balloon Sinuplasty. While recovery time varies with each patient, most patients who undergo the in-office procedure can return to normal activities and work within 2 days. (1)(2)
- It won’t last.
It probably will! In a clinical study of 1,036 patients who had the Balloon Sinuplasty procedure, sinus symptoms improved in 95% of patients at an average follow-up period of 9 months. (3) In another study, patients reported symptom improvement up to two years after having the procedure. (1) Patients have greater satisfaction and avoid the cost of a hospital visit and operating room.

Is Your Sinus Pain Making You Miserable?
Do you have a cold that keeps coming back? Do medications and antibiotics fail to resolve your sinus pressure and drainage? Your symptoms might be due to something more than a cold. You could be suffering with chronic sinusitis.
How do I know if I'm a candidate for Balloon Sinuplasty?
The first step is to diagnose the real cause of your sinus problems. Balloon Sinuplasty is not the correct answer to every sinus issue. Start your recovery by scheduling a consultation with Dr. Browne to get the right diagnosis and the best treatment.
You deserve the right diagnosis and the right treatment. End your suffering! Call Us Today!
San Antonio Sinus
(210) 248-1145
- Weiss, et al. “Long-term outcome analysis of balloon catheter sinusotomy: Two-year follow-up.” Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, 2008, Vol. 139, pp. S38-S46.
- Karanfilov B, et al. Office-Based balloon sinus dilation: a prospective, multicenter study of 203 patients. Int Forum Allergy Rhinol; Nov 2012 Epub.
- Levine et al. Multicenter Registry of Balloon Catheter Sinusotomy Outcomes for 1,036 Patients, Annals of Otology, Rhinology, and Laryngology, 2008, Vol. 117, pp. 263-270.